Take ProxyMethod's "argv" into RequestTemplate
rimwoorim opened this issue · 0 comments
Hello, BIG_OLD, :)
i want to visit the original argv of the service func, which is decribe by @FeignClient, @RequestMapping
it can help me such like calculting a new Host Address
maybe i can parse from the RequestTemplate too, but i think it's boring and complex.
so, i hope that, you can take it into RequestTemplate as a field when you create it. (i want do it myself, but i can, cause some class is final class, and also not exists a direct position to handle it).
And then, i can use it with MethodMetadata for more magical operation.
the position i found : SynchronousMethodHandler.java - Line 65.
RequestTemplate template = buildTemplateFromArgs.create(argv);
go into the #create(argv), it just put the argv's item to what it want, and never save it.
that's all. Thank you. Dear BIG_OLD.