
flutter_screenutil 5.9.0, Android phones can run with the screen turned off and wiget will be lost

spring321 opened this issue · 2 comments

[✓] Flutter (Stable Channel, 3.19.3, macOS 14.3.1 23D60 darwin-arm64 (Rosetta), language environment zh-Hans-CN)
• Flutter version 3.19.3 on stable channels
• upstream repositories [https://github. Com/flutter, flutter. Git] (
• Framework Revision ba39319843 (6 weeks ago),
• Engine revision 2e4ba9c6fb
• Dart version 3.3.1
• DevTools version 2.31.1
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In version 5.9.0, Android phones can run with the screen turned off and wiget will be lost

Same issue is happening with me, and when I downgraded the version to the lower version

got the following error for the flutter version 3.19.5


Please provide a minimal reproduction code to help us debug, thanks