
Store User Preferences / Settings in the Database

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User Story

Create a user preferences system that allows us to store and manage user settings effectively within the existing users table. We will use a JSONB column to simplify the structure and provide a flexible way to handle various user preferences.

Proposed Structure

Insead of creating a new key value table, update the users table to add a preferences column which is a JSONB column to store user preferences in a keyed and namespaced format.

Example JSON structure for the preferences:

  "onboarding.seen": true,
  "editor.orientaion": "vertical"


  • User Preferences Management:

    • Use the JSONB column for storing preferences, allowing us to easily update specific settings without needing multiple rows.
    • For example, to mark the onboarding as seen:
      |> User.changeset(%{preferences: Map.put(user.preferences, "onboarding.seen", true)})
      |> Repo.update()
    • Querying specific preferences can be done efficiently using:
      from(u in User, where: fragment("?->>'onboarding.seen' = 'true'", u.preferences))
      |> Repo.all()
  • Benefits:

    • Simplifies the user preferences structure by reducing the complexity of managing multiple rows.
    • Makes it easier to manage and update individual preferences.
    • Allows for better organization of preferences through namespacing, enhancing readability and maintainability.

Implementation Ideas

  • Update the existing users table to include the new JSONB column for user preferences.
  • Modify the user model and associated changesets to handle the new preferences structure.
  • Integrate with the issue #2563 to track the onboarding section state or progress of the Arkade tutorial videos