
Change Lwala project concurrency to 1

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Several times per day, runs fail because of the Salesforce UNABLE_TO_LOCK_ROW error (see example here). This is due to Salesforce-side automation that assigns a UID to new records we create and this Apex trigger is not bulkified. To circumvent this, I'd like to try bulk testing when Lwala's OpenFn project (id 185) concurrency is dialed down to 1.

We're nearly finished with testing and almost ready to initiate the big CommCare-Salesforce resync, but I'd like to make sure we sort this out before running a massive bulk set of runs. Let me know when ready to test, thanks!

This is now available on staging. Will deploy to production shortly. Closing issue now as it's been set manually on prod in the interim.