
f1-j2: Add logic to `organization_name` mapping to assign case in Oscar

aleksa-krolls opened this issue · 1 comments


Change the Oscar organization_name mapping. We've been hardcoding this to demo for testing, but now are preparing for go-live and want to change this mapping to determine how referrals are assigned in Oscar.

  1. First check if services_section contains a service record where service_response_type: 'referral_from_oscar'--> if yes, map organization_name: c.services_section[*].oscar_referring_organization, but only return agency name substring (e.g., agency-demo --> demo). Stop flow.
  2. If not, then check if services_section contains a service record where service_response_type: 'referral_to_oscar' --> if yes, map organization_name: c.services_section[*].service_implementing_agency, but only return agency name substring (e.g., agency-demo --> demo). Stop flow.
  3. If not, (which could happen if no services or different response type selected), default to mapping organization_name: c.owned_by_agency, but only return agency name substring (e.g., agency-demo --> demo).

Consider that services_section might have multiple records, so please follow the order of operations above.


Oscar creds: Oscar Production Demo (api.user...)
Use this state file to test each scenario (it has 3 cases):


organization_name: 'demo', // hardcoding to one of the orgs in Oscar staging system for testing
//organization_name: oscarStrings(c.owned_by_agency.substring(7)), // add back in before go-live
//Q:^^ replace with service_implementing_agency ??




  1. See snippet below for sample service_implementing_agency received from Primero. This should output organization_name: demo when upserting cases in Oscar.
"services_section": [
          "unique_id": "758d390b-fdda-4167-80ed-a1bfef86ca5e",
          "service_response_type": "referral_to_oscar",
          "service_type": "social_work_case_work",
          "service_subtype": [
          "service_response_day_time": "2020/11/10 08:57:00 +0000",
          "service_implementing_agency": "agency-demo",
          "service_implementing_agency_individual": "agency-demo-user",
          "service_status_referred": true,
          "service_implemented": "not_implemented"
  1. Below snippet is for syncing the Primero Id for Oscar referrals back to Oscar, so we only have oscar_referring_organization. This should output organization_name: demo when upserting cases in Oscar.
"services_section": [
          "unique_id": "1f9219fd-39fb-4f78-be49-6d49e65e3a82",
          "service_response_type": "service_being_provided_by_oscar_partner_47618",
          "service_type": "family_based_care",
          "service_subtype": [
          "service_type_text": "family_based_care",
          "service_implemented": "not_implemented",
          "service_type_details_text": "n/a",
          "oscar_case_worker_name": "ABLE Test",
          "oscar_referring_organization": "agency-demo",
          "oscar_case_worker_telephone": "+61433736766"
  1. Below snippet has no services_section --> still returns demo because we map owned_by_agency.
      "owned_by": "agency-demo-user",
      "owned_by_agency": "agency-demo",
      "module_id": "primeromodule-cp",
      "created_at": "2020/11/16 08:20:30 +0000",
      "case_id_display": "39b7d2e",
      "oscar_number": "01ED6NGKY1NVK3VDWXKR0S2XX5",
      "oscar_short_id": "iqm-893",
      "name_last": "Ith",
      "name_first": "kunthea",
      "sex": "male",
      "date_of_birth": "2020/09/01",
      "age": 0,
      "_id": "7d4b1afdc516606a92e57d4ed1a7e781",
      "case_id": "bc3eafab-b4b6-4fe3-9e5e-eb08f39b7d2e"

@taylordowns2000 since our last changes, I'm seeing some failures with the error TypeError [Error]: Cannot read property 'substring' of undefined.

See run failure in f1-j2:
See triggering run of job f1-j1:

To replicate

Run f1-j1:


Use Primero Alpha Cambodia and Oscar Production Demo.