Could you provide LLaVA-v1.5 7b/13b results on ChEF leaderboard?

YuqiHUO opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, I think ChEF is a great framework for evaluate large multi-modal LLM's. The result of LLaVA you provided in raw paper is LLaVA-1.0-mpt, which is a outdate version. I am curious to find out how does the latest LLaVA models perform in your framework, could you provide some result? Thanks!

Thanks for your interest. We will deploy the latest LLaVA models, and provide the results on our leaderboard sooner or later.

We provide a new leaderboard where LLaVA-v1.5 is evaluated. You can check our new work C $h^3$ Ef for more details link here.