
Hebrew translation problem

Closed this issue · 3 comments


Please fix the line in OGP-Website/lang/Hebrew(Israel)/global.php
define('OGP_LANG_lang_charset', "קידוד UTF-8");
define('OGP_LANG_lang_charset', "UTF-8");


Thanks for reporting this is a BIG issue, the translator was really careless I don't understand how that slipped.

EDIT: I was going to modify the file directly on GitHub but I'm not going to, as I'm not sure if it will mess with the right to left property of the lang file or something else like that.
I can't directly modify it on Transifex either as I do not have administrative rights there.

Wait for Rocco, the Hebrew translator, or someone with administrative rights on Transifex to modify it, I warned a couple people for now so it shouldn't take too long (I guess tomorrow will be OK).

What is weird is that this is like that since two months already, so I guess it doesn't break anything?

Should be fixed in a few minutes.

EDIT: fixed with 4208e46

All my pleasure,
I also started to make many repairs to the Hebrew translation.