
Technology stack and member skills

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To decide the technology stack upon which our application will be based. This should be decided to take into consideration of the varied skill set of our team members to facilitate smooth workflow.

In frameworks, I have worked in Rails and Laravel. I am open to other technologies provided it would be an advantage.

I have worked in Django and have web frontend skills, any technology stack is welcome,
If its other than Django, will contribute in web frontend, i am okey in either end :)

I've used C# & F# ASP.NET as well as js full stack. But I am happy to learn any other stack.

I've worked with these frameworks, CakePHP / CodeIgniter / Django / Sails.js.

use this service ? :)

Sounds great @sideffect0
We will move there. ๐Ÿ˜„

This project is close to what we intended to do long back. Best of luck everyone.

python, c++, and angular and allround javascript person here so happy to help out with any challenges along the way

Rails is a framework that I know! Any clue how I can contribute. My interests currently are Machine Learning and AI. Any way I can contribute?