
Add members to OpenGeoMetadata group

Opened this issue · 27 comments

Add a trusted user or users from participating organizations to OpenGeoMetadata group. Responsible for creating/administering institutional repositories.

👍 @eliotjordan added! Comment here if you need access for your institution.

Hi, Jack. Has anyone from NYU requested access yet? If so, we need it!

Ok @andrewbattista you are setup. Feel free to add more nyu people to the nyu team: . Also I setup an initial repository for you ( and you should have access to change the name if needed.

@mejackreed can you add me from Harvard?

@baburns done! Also added a repo here: and created a team . You should be able to add and remove team members. Feel free to update the repo name to suit your needs.

@mejackreed Could you add me as a representative for Minnesota? A repo and team would be much appreciated as well. Thanks!

Hi Jack,
Can you please set me up for the University of Arizona (edu.uarizona). Thanks!

Add @bhickson and you should have gotten an invite to admin.

Cornell is nearly ready to commit! Can you set me up for edu.cornell?

@kgjenkins Should be setup now

we would like edu.upenn

@lauraneckstein added, and you have been sent an invite to administrate.

hi @nunesdaniel . Are you now working with Harvard?

Hi, this is Susan Powell from Berkeley! Can you add me? Also, are the teams still a possibility?

Hi, this is Michael Shensky from UT Austin. Could we get a edu.utexas repo set up?

Hi, this is Paul Dante from the University of British Columbia in Canada. Could we get a ca.ubc repo setup? Thanks!

Hi, This is Elaine Ding from George Mason University , Could we have a edu.gmu repository setup ? Thanks.

@xding3-gmu Here is the new repository: I added you as a maintainer. Let me know if you have any problems with permissions or access!

Hi There, This is Kevin Worthington from Colorado State University. Could an edu.colostate repo be setup for us.

@kevinworthington Hi! The new repo is here: Let me know if you have any trouble working with it.

Hello from UW-Milwaukee, could we please have a edu.uwm repo?

@srappel Hi Stephen! - Here is the repo and I added you as an admin:

Thanks @karenmajewicz !!!