
OIDCUnAuthAction pass not transmitting headers since version 2.4.11

cm0s opened this issue · 19 comments

cm0s commented


First and foremost, thank you very much for all the incredible work done on this terrific module!

Is there any known issue with the option OIDCUnAuthAction pass and the new release 2.4.11?

I've been using OIDCUnAuthAction in order to make a web application public/not authenticated but at the same time give the possibility to users to have an authentication URL to get access to the application as an authenticated user.

is configured with OIDCUnAuthAction pass this way all can be access as not authenticated or authenticated.
Inside a <Location /main/login>, I set the option OIDCUnAuthAction auth. This way user can access, get authenticated and then get access to all other as an authenticated user. The application behind can then retrieve HTTP headers to display specific things for authenticated users.

Until version 2.4.10, this was working perfectly, but with the last 2.4.11 version, after authentication, when accessing using the OIDCUnAuthAction pass, claims are not transmitted anymore. A session cookie is correctly created and transmitted from the client side.

Above is the configuration I'm using. When upgrading to version 2.4.11, I just had to set the OIDCXForwardedHeaders, as explain in the changelog.

If I remove the OIDCUnAuthAction pass option, application s requires authentication and the claims are correctly transmitted.

If it can help, I can send debug logs.

<VirtualHost *:80>


  <LocationMatch "^/?$">
    Require all denied

  <Location "/oidc-callback">
    AuthType openid-connect
    Require claim "upn~^[\\w-]*@\\w+\\.com$"

  <Location "/main">
    Allow from all
    RewriteEngine On
    ProxyPreserveHost On

    RewriteRule ^/var/www/html/main(.*)$ http://myapp-web-main-mynamespace.svc.cluster.local/$1 [L,P]
    ProxyPassReverse http://myapp-web-main-mynamespace.svc.cluster.local/

    AuthType openid-connect
    Require claim aud:${OIDC_CLIENT_ID}

  <Location "/main/api">
    RewriteEngine On
    ProxyPreserveHost On

    RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Prefix "/main/api"
    RewriteRule ^/var/www/html/main/api/(.*)$ http://my-app-backend-main.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local:8080/$1 [L,P]
    ProxyPassReverse http://my-app-backend-main.mynamespace..svc.cluster.local:8080/

    AuthType auth-openidc

    Require claim aud:${OIDC_CLIENT_ID}
    Require claim appid:${OIDC_CLIENT_ID}

  <Location "/main/login">
     AuthType openid-connect

     Require claim aud:${OIDC_CLIENT_ID}

     OIDCUnAuthAction auth
     RewriteEngine On
     ProxyPreserveHost On

     RewriteRule ^/var/www/html/main/login(.*)$$1 [L,R]

  OIDCUnAuthAction pass

  # In order to avoid calling userinfo_endpoint the OIDCProviderUserInfoEndpoint must not be set
  # For this reason, it's not possible to use the OIDCProviderMetadataURL option, every OIDCProvider
  # URL must be set manually to ensure the userinfo_endpoint is not set.
  # For more information see discussion :


  OIDCSessionInactivityTimeout 3600
  OIDCSessionMaxDuration 28800


  OIDCScope "openid allatclaims"
  OIDCRefreshAccessTokenBeforeExpiry 60
  OIDCPassClaimsAs headers
  OIDCRemoteUserClaim upn
  OIDCXForwardedHeaders X-Forwarded-Host X-Forwarded-Port X-Forwarded-Proto

  OIDCCacheType memcache
  OIDCMemCacheServers myapp-memcached-main.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local:11211

  LogLevel warn

  #Option to allow url with encoded slashes in the query params such as ?date=2020%2F2021
  AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode


unfortunately that looks like a bug indeed, can you send the full server debug logs?

cm0s commented

Of course, do you have an email or another means of communication I can use to send it to you privately ?

in this case you can send it to:

cm0s commented

Thank you, I sent the email.

cm0s commented

I created a simpler version of my config here, removing memcached and other config (by the way, it uses port 80 in the virtual host because SSL connection is handled earlier by a Traefik proxy).

As mention by @zandbelt (in a private message), this problem might be related to my config which worked by accident before and is not working now for good reason.

To ensure it's really a bug, I'll have to reproduce it in a simpler environment, not on my complex company environment. I just have to find the time to create this test environment. By the time if someone encounters the same issue, don't hesitate to comment on this issue.

<VirtualHost *:80>

  <Location "/">
    Allow from all
    RewriteEngine On
    ProxyPreserveHost On

    RewriteRule ^[/]*var/www/html/(.*)$ http://myapp-web.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local/$1 [L,P]
    ProxyPassReverse http://myapp-web.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local/
    AuthType openid-connect
    Require claim aud:${OIDC_CLIENT_ID}

  <Location "/api">
    RewriteEngine On
    ProxyPreserveHost On
    OIDCUnAuthAction pass
    RewriteRule ^/var/www/html/api/(.*)$ http://myapp-backend.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local:8080/$1 [L,P]
    ProxyPassReverse http://myapp-backend.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local:8080/

    AuthType auth-openidc

    Require claim aud:${OIDC_CLIENT_ID}
    Require claim appid:${OIDC_CLIENT_ID}

  <Location "/oidc-callback">
    AuthType openid-connect
    OIDCUnAuthAction auth
    Require claim "upn~^[\\w-]*@\\w+\\.ch$"

  <Location "/login">
     AuthType openid-connect
     Require claim aud:${OIDC_CLIENT_ID}
     OIDCUnAuthAction auth

  # In order to avoid calling userinfo_endpoint the OIDCProviderUserInfoEndpoint must not be set
  # For this reason, it's not possible to use the OIDCProviderMetadataURL option, every OIDCProvider
  # URL must be set manually to ensure the userinfo_endpoint is not set.
  # For more information see discussion :

  OIDCScope "openid allatclaims"
  OIDCPassClaimsAs headers
  OIDCRemoteUserClaim upn
  OIDCXForwardedHeaders X-Forwarded-Port
  OIDCUnAuthAction pass

  LogLevel debug

for the record: at first inspection it seems that for some locations there is no AuthType set, but there is a Require claim directive applied to them (not sure why it would work before then though)

cm0s commented

Thank you for looking, but it seems every location has an AuthType, or perhaps I'm cross-eyed ;). The problem is probably somewhere else. I'm going to reproduce it outside of my environment, in a reproducible way, so we can really see if it's a bug or just me not knowing how to properly use your module ;). I should find time to do it in a few days.

any luck with that?

cm0s commented

I just finished refactoring my Apache configs (was using RewriteRule inside which is not supported). Will retry now with the last mod_auth_openidc version and keep you informed.

cm0s commented

I tried with my new Apache config and the issue is still occurring. For now, I will stay on version 2.4.10, but sooner or later I will have to upgrade to a newer version of your module and will have to solve this problem. When the time's gonna come, I will try to reproduce the problem in a new environment with minimum configuration (I cannot find the time to do it now). In the meantime, you can close my issue. I will reopen it or create a new one later.

let's leave it open, I may find time to re-create the issue myself

let's leave it open, I may find time to re-create the issue myself

@cm0s can you send the latest and simplest config that exposes this behaviour?

I was able to reproduce and fix; @cm0s please test 3f082c1 and confirm

cm0s commented

Great, thanks a lot @zandbelt! I'm going to build the rc5 version and test it. Will keep you informed.

cm0s commented

I've been able to build the rc5 and test the fix. Claims are now correctly passed when I use OIDCUnAuthAction pass.

Thanks a lot for the work!

...after trying for some days, it seems like we have the same issue with (not only) the latest release

    OIDCProviderMetadataURL (...)
    OIDCClientID (...)
    OIDCClientSecret (...)
    OIDCRedirectURI /redir

    OIDCRemoteUserClaim preferred_username

    #OIDCCookieDomain (...)

    <Location "/redir">
        AuthType openid-connect
        Require valid-user

    OIDCUnAuthAction pass

What could be the reason for not getting any "lazy session" headers?

(We are implementing SSO and just want to indicate existing auth)

"lazy session" headers are passed on OIDCUnAuthAction pass, I don't see that in your config?

"lazy session" headers are passed on OIDCUnAuthAction pass, I don't see that in your config?

Absolutely, my fault, I updated the code snippet accordingly (and double checked our setup - same as the snippet and not working yet).

P.S.: Awesome work & awesome response time – worth sponsoring!

I just verified myself that this still works as expected; since you're sponsoring you can send your server debug logs to and we'll take a look, tnx