Reading, writing, and processing images in a wide variety of file formats, using a format-agnostic API, aimed at VFX applications.
- 5
- 0
Consider signing release artifacts
#4404 opened by cary-ilm - 13
[HELP] "Damaged" JPGs in Photoshop
#4342 opened by BrianHanke - 3
Investigate switching to to libspng
#4524 opened by lgritz - 1
- 3
Consider adopting signed release tags
#4403 opened by cary-ilm - 7
- 4
- 0
- 4
[FEATURE REQUEST] HDR Gain map support
#4424 opened by filmkorn - 1
- 14
- 5
- 1
[FEATURE REQUEST] Lookup font in text render based on family and style name
#4502 opened by peterhorvath111 - 3
Problems with font enumeration
#4504 opened by peterhorvath111 - 6
- 6
- 5
- 5
- 1
- 2
[BUG] PNM reader uses variable before initialization, leading to undefined behaviour.
#4445 opened by stolk - 1
[BUG] Undefined Behaviour in typedesc_test
#4447 opened by stolk - 17
[BUG] Sony ARW medium and small compression 15 bit per sample files are unsupported
#4361 opened by lingyukongt - 2
- 2
[FEATURE REQUEST] OIIO::ImageBufAlgo::make_texture doesn't take an nthreads argument
#4254 opened by etheory - 1
[BUILD] Current version `lib` symlinks showing up in build from previous version
#4414 opened by virtualritz - 0
Consider using ci-oiio build container
#4412 opened by jfpanisset - 1
[BUG] inconsistent results of ImageBuf colorconvert in built without OCIO and with OCIO.
#4331 opened by ssh4net - 0
Consider running StepSecurity on your repo
#4405 opened by cary-ilm - 17
[BUG] assert_fail is called
#4388 opened by DougRogers - 4
errors concerning gpu_... when moving to v2.6.2.0-dev
#4389 opened by kfjahnke - 6
[BUG] significantly slower than
#4375 opened by p0las - 2
[BUG] TypeDesc SEGFAULT from Copy Constructor
#4321 opened by Cthuflu - 0
[BUG] build failed with libheif-1.17.6 on gentoo
#4356 opened by vowstar - 2
[FEATURE REQUEST] oiiotool channel default
#4289 opened by jakeanq - 7
ImageBufferAlgo::demosaic (IBA::demosaic)
#4364 opened by ssh4net - 0
[BUG] fstream_mingw.h crashed at runtime
#4336 opened by johnfea - 1
[BUG] oiiotool with format specifier for exr frames on Windows doesn't work
#4328 opened by davidarice - 1
- 2
[FEATURE REQUEST] ImageBuf "wrap" numpy array in python
#4259 opened by lgritz - 4
[BUG] 16 and 32 bit PSD files fail to load correctly
#4298 opened by jessey-git - 0
- 0
- 3
- 10
- 4
[BUG] crash if no default fonts are found
#4248 opened by alanb-sony - 1
[BUILD] AOCC 4.2 build failure
#4241 opened by 1div0 - 13
black lanes in batched texture lookup
#4219 opened by kfjahnke - 5
[BUG] ensure proper constexpr of string hashing fix fails to build on 32-bit archs
#4212 opened by brad0 - 3
[BUG] Wrong data type
#4210 opened by OgreTransporter