
Not work successfully

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hello, Developer.

I'm Shige in Japan user.
Thanks to your good javacard applet, its useful to me.

Please let me ask how to use javacard-ndef applet.

I believe that I can install successfully.
I installed with refering to

java -jar gp.jar
-params 100BD101075402656E54657374
-install javacard-ndef.cap

But, it doesnt work well.
APDU Command with GP tool below:
Success : 9000
A>> T=0 (4+0007) 00A40400 07 D2760000850101
A<< (0000+2) (41ms) 9000

But, next is not success
A>> T=0 (4+0002) 00A4000C 02 E103
A<< (0000+2) (26ms) 6A86

Could you let me know how to use or example to call APDU ?

Best Regards,

Sorry for never getting back to you.

I think your problem occurs because the applet did not support T=0 at that point. This might work now, although I did not test it.

You will need to update your install params to use the new standards-compliant tags.

Issue obsolete.