
Implementing PUSH pattern

Vladimir-art opened this issue · 0 comments

I am trying to implement a PUSH pattern through the OpenLEADR library.
On the client's side I have added a method
but I got an error:
RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'OpenADRClient.create_party_registration' was never awaited client.create_party_registration(http_pull_model=False) RuntimeWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback

Right now, I have changed an OpenLEADR inner code from http_pull_model=True to False
Also, on the client's side, I have added async def handle_event(event): to handle VTN'e events
on the server's side, I have implemented async def create_event(ven_id, event_id, opt_type):
but in my case VEN still polling particular data to the VTN every 10 seconds and there are no events from VTN