
Typo in Primitive Recursive Notations?

s-truax opened this issue · 1 comments

The most convenient way to report a typo should reference the file and line number where the typo occurs:

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Typo location: Line 23 in notation-pr-functions.tex

What is the typo: The line states that a primitive recursive function notated as $\fn{Rec}_k[G,H]$ will have an arity of k + 1, but then in line 26 the primitive recursive function add is defined using this notation with k == 2. This seems to suggest the arity of add is 3, when add is defined earlier with an arity of 2.

Proposed correction: If this is a typo, then either line 26 should be \fn{Rec}_1[\Proj{1}{0},\fn{Comp}_{1,3}[\Succ,\Proj{3}{2}]]. or line 23 should say that $\fn{Rec}_k[G,H]$ will have an arity of k.

rzach commented

Thanks again!