
Incorrect Action Executed In OMList.doAction()

jose-m-torres opened this issue · 1 comments

In the OMList.doAction() method the OMGraphicConstants.LOWER_TO_BOTTOM_GRAPHIC_MASK action calls the moveIndexedOneToBottom() method instead of moveIndexedToBottom().

Both OMGraphicConstants.LOWER_TO_BOTTOM_GRAPHIC_MASK and OMGraphicConstants.LOWER_GRAPHIC_MASK currently perform the same action to moveIndexedOneToBottom().

I verified that correctly calling moveIndexedToBottom() when the mask is set to OMGraphicConstants.LOWER_TO_BOTTOM_GRAPHIC_MASK works as expected.

The issue exists in the currently available download version, OpenMap 5.1.15.

The correction is the following inside the OMList.doAction() method:

if (action.isMask(LOWER_TO_BOTTOM_GRAPHIC_MASK)) {
    Debug.message("omgl", "OMGraphicList.doAction: lowering graphic to bottom");
    moveIndexedToBottom(i); // -> Corrected by Jose M. Torres