
Symbol's default cdbase not specified correctly

Closed this issue · 4 comments

jbs1 commented

migrated from Trac, where originally posted by clange on 24-Jul-2011 11:26pm

When no CD base URI is given for a symbol, the CD base defaults to – well, we used to think so, but the standard does not say it.

The formal specification of OpenMath symbols in section 2.1.1 says that a symbol encodes … "(optionally) a Content Dictionary base URI". It does not specify that, if such a URI is not given, it is taken from the nearest parent object that declares one, and if no CD base can be established that way, it defaults to (Note that Michael's favorite interpretation, i.e. that the language that embeds OpenMath, is free to define any other default value, is not covered either.)

The inheritance from the parent is specified in 3.1.2 for the concrete XML encoding and thus for the concrete case of XML parent elements. The defaulting to is not specified there either.

Additionally Section 5.3 "Compliance -> Content Dictionaries" says, which confirms the intent to have such a defaulting mechanism:

Content Dictionaries available from the official OpenMath repository at need only be referenced by name, other Content Dictionaries should be referenced using the CDBase and the CDName.

jbs1 commented

migrated from Trac, where originally posted by clange on 16-May-2014 12:43am

Update: I think this is still a valid concern.

jbs1 commented

migrated from Trac, where originally posted by lars_h on 27-May-2014 4:29pm

Is this a duplicate of #83?

jbs1 commented

migrated from Trac, where originally posted by clange on 2-Jun-2014 8:47pm

Replying to [comment:2 lars_h]:

Is this a duplicate of #83?
Indeed it is, thanks for pointing out; I'll point #83 here as this ticket is more precise.