

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Can we have a testsuite for the SCSCP protocol, either inside this package, or as a package building on it?

We discovered issues with some implementations, and it would be much better if implementors could test against a testsuite.

That's a good idea. At the moment, the reference implementation is in the GAP package, and while it's convenient for a GAP expert to use it to test/explore/debug other SCSCP client/servers, it requires efforts from non-GAP users.

Having a pure Python script that e.g. accepts hostname and port number and talks to a server being tested, and an easy documented way to start Python server to talk to it from the client is what we may want indeed.

defeo commented

It would be useful indeed. Probably it's easisest to build a new module on top of this. We could start from the automated test for this module.