
No device found

kratz00 opened this issue · 4 comments


  • Debian 9
  • OMV 4 (4.1.0)
  • armv7l

After working around a problem (#16) to get this plugin installed, there is no device in the drop down if I want to create a new encrypted device.


  1. Select Encryption under the Storage group
  2. Hit Create
  3. Klick the Select a device ... drop down

It shortly shows loading and after it is finished the drop down is empty.
I would expected it to show my raid device (/dev/md0), as this is the device I am trying to encrypt.

Make sure blkid command is not listing the md0 device. If it shows in blkid means there is a signature there that needs to be cleaned.

BTW i hope you're not trying to use raid with USB, unless is a testing project this is not recommended at all.

Thanks for the hint @subzero79 /dev/md0 was already part of a LVM VG.

/dev/md0: UUID="F7F6YU-wO8G-dYIK-ErIQ-H60a-m1LH-0Zw1U0" TYPE="LVM2_member"

After deleting this LVM VG I was able to select /dev/md0 from the drop down.
Do not worry it is not a raid with USB

fi0 commented

what're the issues for raid with usb?

[what're the issues for raid with usb?]
@fi0 just off the top of my head:

  • usb is not reliable enough for raid.
  • usb disks sometimes spin up too late for an array to assemble.
  • usb disks sometimes have a controller that put the drive to sleep which can also be bad for an array.
  • raid is all about redundancy and there is no way to have redundant power supplies for an externally powered usb drives.
  • Some motherboards will power down usb ports causing disks to drop out of an array.
  • The drives in a lot of pre-built usb enclosures are not idea for raid
    Is that enough?