
postrm includes files unnecessarily leading to potential uninstallation issues

dleidert opened this issue · 4 comments

The debian/postrm file reads files from openmediavault although it doesn't use any of the variables or functions provided by these files. This can lead to a potential uninstallation issue when openmediavault files got removed and the postrm script is trying to read them. The inclusion should be removed.

Removed the sourcing lines in aede368. Although, those files should always exist. If they do not exist, it will break many (almost all) plugins that actually do use those files (any plugin that stores info in the database will).

I'm not going to release a new package just for this change but the next release will have it.

It will fail the package removal if openmediavault gets removed together with it. I'm trying to examine the cause for why it happened during an upgrade right now.

I understand but this will fail on almost all plugins if openmediavault is somehow removed before the plugin. And we can’t remove these lines from most plugins.