bug: Recording directory privileges not updated properly
Closed this issue · 7 comments
VDR does not start.
runvdr: stopping after fatal fail (vdr: can't access video directory /media... )
Plugin v3.0.4
OMV v3.0.26
Plugins doesn't handle permissions on shared folders. I added a warning for incorrect permissions to help users here 08c3622.
Plugins doesn't handle permissions on shared folders.
Why not? Plugins used to handle the permissions so why is it changed?
No, not really. Only the plugins that utilized mntentrefs managed permissions. It's a bad idea to let plugins manage permissions on shared folders since the plugin then can screw up permissions that users have set themselves.
The plugin used to handle ACL for the vdr user to access the recording directory.
The enduser cannot even see the system account "vdr" with the "show privileges" button next to the recording directory dropdown. Instead he has to go to the /SharedFolders/SelectFolder/SetACL/.
I really think the old way should be used. Having to set the same thing twice is not user-friendly.
You don't set it twice, you set it once. And why would you set it in the privileges window when that window doesn't touch filesystem permissions at all?
If I set my vdr recording directory as Shared Folder X of course I also want vdr to have the correct privileges to that folder. Hopefully with the latest commit there won't be so much people asking for help on the forum.
I meant the privileges button in the image below. I thought it was added for this plugin but It seems to be in the OMV base system and it's good for managing who has access to the directory.
I can't really remember the last time anyone asked for help with VDR and permissions was the issue though, and there shouldn't hopefully be any in the future either. :)
That 'Show privileges' button only affects access to Samba shares, not filesystem access. It even says that in the yellow area with text in the window that pops up.