
Failing build when applying PSI

Closed this issue · 2 comments


The PyVertical project has applied the python PSI bindings.
Despite compiling locally, we are suddenly getting failing bazel builds on every build.
See this build, for example.

The issue is an incorrect checksum. We're not sure if the cause is:

  • Incorrect implementation within PyVertical of PSI
  • PSI
  • pybind
  • github CI's bazel

Our workspace file points to a specific commit of this repo, not master branch,
to avoid upstream breaking changes. I don't know yet whether that is a cause.


If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

System Information

  • OS: Ubuntu
  • OS Version: 18.04
  • Language Version: Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8

Thanks for reporting this!
The problem was that we pulled pybind11_bazel from a branch that was updated by the author, and we didn't pin the commit. The changes have landed in the upstream repo for pybind11_bazel by now, so in #73 I fixed the issue by pinning the latest upstream commit.

Thanks @schoppmp. Unfortunately we get another error - I'll open a new issue