Evaluate DIDComm Properties: Security, Privacy, Usability
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DIDComm is a protocol under standardisation at DIF - https://github.com/decentralized-identity/didcomm-messaging
Using aries-basic-controller we can easily spin up agents and communicate over DIDComm. It would be good to use WireShark or similar to see exactly what is getting sent over the wire and evaluate the privacy, security and usability implications of this.
How long?
A month
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Some useful RFCs - https://hackmd.io/KwogAummQM-fOOBBnjZ32w
Really cool paper from 1981 that basically is DIDComm today as far as I can see. https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/358549.358563
DIDComm spec - https://identity.foundation/didcomm-messaging/spec/
Also this - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5598 Internet Mail similarities
Contrast with Matrix - https://matrix.org/