
Storage Drivers for LXD image datastore

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dann1 commented

LXDoNe uses raw block devices instead of the default LXD image tarballs. This happens due to the fact that OpenNebula default behavior is to operate with raw and qcow images. Right now we are tricking LXD something like, but that is not a sane behavior cause this work should be done by LXD itself, of course it's not LXD fault.

With the new storage drivers lxc image import path-to-tar.gz would be like uploading the base image to OpenNebula and creating container during lxc launch would be prolog in OpenNebula. Also the image datastore in OpenNebula would be like a public image server to the LXD virtualization nodes.

This approach would grant a more LXD-like user experience and could save time, bandwidth, space and code. Also we would support thin provisioned containers. To develop a storage driver for OpenNebula read Contributions will be really appreciated.