Repo on profiles
beep opened this issue · 4 comments
@kissane, a question about this bit on the profile page:
Is this the same repository browser as on the featured repo page (#8 (comment))? Will we show just one repo, or are there potentially multiple repos on this page?
I wonder whether we should drop this from the Person profile page? Seems like an awkward piece of data to try to manage -- which is the most representative GitHub repository for a particular person, right? Unless I'm not remembering right and this is intended to be something else.
@ryanpitts That makes sense to me. I’ve left it off the profile page for now:
…but I can totally toss it back in there if you and @kissane’d like it there. (It’ll just take a little JS work. Ain’t no thing.)
I'm so content to leave it off here.
Sounds great! Closin’.