
Service-based pipelines for document processing

Primary LanguagePython


A centipede is a de-centralized pipeline for processing documents. It consists of many stages, which may perform tasks such as downloading files, extracting texts, detecting language and encoding or indexing a document to a search index.



Not yet implemented

Background tasks:

$ celery -A uploader worker --loglevel=info --logfile=log/celery.log


Centipede processing stacks consist of a number of components, such as:

  • A document manager, which can store documents on S3
  • A pipeline manager, which iterates over documents and executes each stage of the pipeline for each document.
  • A pipeline stage, i.e. a web service which receives a document from the pipeline manager and performs some operation on it.

Examples of Pipeline Stages

  • Language/Encoding detection
  • Entity extraction
  • Text extraction
  • HTML cleaning
  • Scoring
  • ElasticSearch indexing
  • Filtering
  • Aggregation (?) / reduce

What is the network protocol?

Metadata: superset of (Dublin Core)[http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/].

HTTP API: transform (sync)

POST (json) -> (magic) -> (json) --> either metadata AND status message

{ "document": { ... }, "status": {



{ "documents": [ {"..."} ] }

What the document manager does

POST /api/post-file ...
POST /api/post-url ... 

GET /api/collections/<collection_id>
    -> existing metadata 
    -> a link to an S3 file

POST /api/collection/<collection_id>/<document_id>

What the pipeline manager does

pipeline orchestrator

  • define a pipeline
  • define source documents
  • run jobs and monitor progress
