
Footer links to GitHub are incorrect

benlk opened this issue · 2 comments

benlk commented

In the expandable Read The Docs footer on every page, the Github "view" and "edit" links are 404s:

That's the links here:
screen shot 2019-01-03 at 5 28 49 pm

The links in page content on to various GitHub URLs are correct, so this appears to be a problem with the template rather than a problem with RTD.

Thanks for spotting this! Looks like that's been an issue on and off for a while for RTD projects using Mkdocs for the build. The latest thread I found, where it looked like things had been fixed, is here. Added a report and will see if we can get this fixed soon.

The bug was fixed, and getting it to render properly on our project just required a rebuild. Thanks for the alert!