OpenNumismat, is intended primarily for registering a collection of coins. But it is also suitable for other types of collectibles - stamps, postcards, badges and more exotic things.
- TommyKolodziejczykKatowice Poland
- guilhermesimoesLisbon, Portugal
- ZemlyanikaM
- soberdashPittsburgh, PA
- ruimvac
- willgodfreyIowa City, IA USA
- xiexiaojun
- SathishGajendranIndia
- Tiz2008
- whodobbi
- OpossumPetya
- gilcu3
- MYCC-ua
- chriscrutch
- ZenithClownIndia
- GitLaboratoryAsia, Russian Federation
- BlackstaffPoland
- leder11011Düsseldorf, GERMANY
- 7maram7
- FalkensMazeDevBoston, MA
- mgrdcmIndianapolis
- boukendeshoJapan
- FilipPaskalevBirmingham