
Update giflib

dg0yt opened this issue · 1 comments

dg0yt commented

The current package version is 5.1.4-3, the version which is in Debian stable at the moment.

A new version of giflib is available. However, it dropped the build configuration system. Now, it is hard to cross-compile (Android, MinGW), and not possible to build out-of-source.

Besides updating, one alternative is to not build and use the giflib package: Qt uses a different implementation, WebP needs it only for some command line tools, and we don't really need in GDAL if it works in Qt.

GDAL itself has a (modified) copy of giflib 4.1.6.

dg0yt commented

Created a CMakeLists.txt to build with current tarballs.
Upstreamed at
Our current versions is 5.1.9 now, as in Debian testing.