Question about finding the folio number for conversion to TEI
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Hi, I had a question about how you are storing the pagination data for the Kangyur. I'm writing a python script that will generate the Kangyur in the TEI format for 84000's reader so I can incorporate the recent proofreading corrections into our database. I'm almost done, but I was working from an older version of the repository that had data for the "page_index" e.g 1.b, 2.a, 2.b etc... in P000001.opf/layers/*/pagination.yml, but it looks like this data has been removed in a commit 11 months ago. I'm wondering where I can access these page_index numbers, we definitely need them to generate the TEI. Currently I just see newly added "imgnum" and "reference" keys in the pagination.yml files, but I'm not sure where I can obtain index numbers from that. Would you be able to point me in the right direction?
Oh, actually I see now that I can moreorless derive this from the imgnum. sorry, I'll close the issue since I believe that will resolve the problem