
Zoom sprites broken for custom objects

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Operating System

Windows 10 64-bit

OpenRCT2 build

OpenRCT2 v0.4.10

Base game

RollerCoaster Tycoon 2

Area(s) with this issue?

This issue has to do with park objects and/or asset packs

Describe the issue

When experimenting with zoom sprites yesterday, I could not get them to work. I believe I have discovered why, and the issue is twofold:

  • There is a struct handoff between ImageImportMeta and Image in ImageImporter::Import that overwrites the meta's flags, dropping the flag for using zoom offset.
  • The game unsets the zoom offset flag in the ImageTable::RequiredImage G1Element constructor overload.
  • The game does not populate the pointer in ImageTable::RequiredImage. It works for CSG and G1 images, apparently, but I'm having trouble finding that codepath.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a JSON that utilizes zoom sprites
  2. Zoom sprites are loaded but unused because of issues above


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