
Warn user that they are working with one or more file name(s) that already exist(s) on Wikimedia Commons

Opened this issue · 4 comments

File names on Wikimedia Commons must be unique (two files can't have the same name).

The default Wikimedia Commons UploadWizard warns the user when they are naming a file the same as one that already exists.


It would be great if OpenRefine also warns uploaders of new Commons files if this happens. I can imagine this will be part of the 'Issues' tab when creating a schema for uploading files to Commons, see #22

Assigning this to myself so I can filter for it :-) Also related to #33.

Doing some end-of-project cleanup. I think we never got around to doing this one, although it would be useful. @lozanaross I feel inclined to unassign this issue from you and generalize its description so that someone else can get to it at a later point (both design and development-wise). Agreed?

It's probably also relevant for Wikibase uploads, as duplicate file names are not allowed there either?

Yes, all fine to generalize issue. I have some ideas related to upload process and error logging that I'll try to do a final design on as part of the report wrap-up of the final user testing sessions, but that won't be something necessary to be built or finalized in the short term.