
Add base Wikitext templates to schemas that can be shared with the community

Opened this issue · 2 comments

During the user testing sessions in Sept / Oct, we discussed the possibility to save Wikitext templates already inside schema templates. So if a schema for e.g. Artworks is created - this could include not only SDC statements but also 'prefilled' minimal Artwork wikitext template. This will be most useful to new users who don't have extensive experience with Wikitext and just need a simple and quick solution that will enable them to upload their media files.

@trnstlntk can this be included in the documentation part of the SDC extension work?

As long as the wikitext is constant (i.e. it does not rely on values in some columns) then this is already supported by the existing template.

Yes, this is just a documentation detail that @trnstlntk noted in the field notes from the user testing, and I'm recording it here so we don't forget, it's not a new feature. We can provide these ready-made schemas to download from a central documentation page.