Evaluate scripts.
Colmar-zlicheng opened this issue · 2 comments
Colmar-zlicheng commented
Hi, can you please provide test/evaluate scripts (such as how to compute success rate and dump results)? I try to use the command below, but I met segmentation fault when I set --obj_file
as sceneplan/partnet_test_simple.json
python3 unihsi/run.py \
--task UniHSI_PartNet\
--test \
--num_envs 1 \
--cfg_env unihsi/data/cfg/humanoid_unified_interaction_scene_64.yaml \
--cfg_train unihsi/data/cfg/train/rlg/amp_humanoid_task_deep_layer_2we.yaml \
--motion_file motion_clips/chair_mo.npy \
--checkpoint output/Humanoid_31-17-04-30/nn/Humanoid.pth \
--obj_file sceneplan/partnet_train_simple.json
xizaoqu commented
Hi, you can evaluate it by recording the states (whether fulfilled, distance) when resetting the task and summarizing them on specified samples. I'm not sure how the segmentation fault happens.
xizaoqu commented
Hi, I've updated the evaluation scripts. Please have a try.