
Threaded image processor

Opened this issue · 2 comments

As JPEG/JPG compression is fast but provides low quality and artifacts, it's possible to move to PNG (only by extension renaming in the python code) but it takes much more time for the raspberry ARM CPU to compress to PNG (as it's loss-less-ish) on a single core.

Moving the capture system to a threaded queue system would be great.

low quality is partially linked to #3

I wish I could implement some kind of multi-core-processing, but I do not even have an idea of where to start.

Concerning the fileformats, with the upcoming update, it should be much easier to implement different file formats like png and even add raw data to the jpegs. Anyway, this would be kinda slow and I am not sure, whether it would yield a significant quality improvement.

I'm not familiar enough with python to help you right now, i'll get into it in few months tho