
temp/servermessage says there's a new test verion 2021-02-18 but I only see 2021-02-10 available for download?

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temp/servermessage says there's a new test version 2021-02-18 but I only see 2021-02-10 available for download?

I'm testing Openscan Cloud

I also have this issue

Sorry for the misconception, I use the "servermessage" only to query the content of this: file/page as an easier way to communicate with the devices&people. I realized that in the current form only some messages make sense ^^ (i.e. I could put "server maintenance" as servermessage and as soon as it is done I will update it to a different state like "up and running").

By the way, I am still trying to understand github: is it ok for me to close the issue now or does the OP has do mark it as "solved" or something? (Sorry) :)