
Photogrammetry Web API

Primary LanguagePython


Photogrammetry Web API

Overview / Outline:

The OpenScan Cloud is intended to be a decentralized, open and free photogrammetry web API.

The API can be used as a great addition to existing photogrammetry rigs like the OpenScan Mini or Classic but also any other rig. The only things needed to start a reconstruction are a user-specific token and of course an image set (preferably as a zip file).

Note that the application is totally free (and hopefully I can keep it free/donation-based in the future). Your data will be transferred through Dropbox and stored/processed on my local servers. I will use those image sets and resulting 3d models for further research, but none of your data will be published without your explicit consent!

If you like the project, feel free to support my work on Patreon

Thank you :)

Current functionality / desktop uploader for Windows ( Download ZIP)

  • updated 2022-05-12


Enter your token


Select your folder and upload the photos to the OpenScanCloud

The Uploader is a standalone .exe, which should be able to run on any Windows machine. It allows you to select either a folder containing images and uploading those to the OpenScanCloud. All you need is an individual token (apply by email to cloud@openscan.eu) and some images. Note, that the program will create a temporary folder and an additional .txt file containing the token in the same directory as the .exe file.

SourceCode (Python)

Current functionality / Beta Firmware for OpenScan Classic & Mini

Uploading through the firmware can be done with one click and has been implemented in all recent firmware versions. See Github-OpenScan2 for more details

Current functionality / python uploader (See Sourecode)

The python script can be a starting point to create your own solution. Currently you only need to change a handful of parameters at the beginning of the file. Note, that the 'requests' module is needed (pip install requests)

Current functionality / http endpoints

Please feel free to add your thoughts on the design. Currently I implemented the following http endpoints:

Flask API Reference for OpenScan User


This API uses HTTP Basic Authentication. The following credentials are required for access:

  • Username: openscan
  • Password: free

Unauthorized access will result in a 401 Unauthorized response.


1. Request Token

Request a new token for access to the service.

GET /requestToken


Name Type Description
mail string Email address of the requester
forename string First name of the requester
lastname string Last name of the requester


Status Description
200 Success. Returns an empty object {}
400 Bad Request. Missing fields or unknown error

2. Get Token Info

Retrieve information about a specific token.

GET /getTokenInfo


Name Type Description
token string The token to retrieve information for


Status Description
200 Success. Returns JSON object with token info
400 Bad Request. Missing token or token doesn't exist

Success Response Fields

  • credit
  • limit_filesize
  • limit_photos

3. Get Project Info

Retrieve information about a specific project.

GET /getProjectInfo


Name Type Description
token string The token associated with the project
project string The project identifier


Status Description
200 Success. Returns JSON object with project info
400 Bad Request. Missing fields or token doesn't exist
401 Unauthorized. Project doesn't exist

Success Response Fields

  • dlink
  • status
  • ulink

4. Create Project

Create a new project associated with a token.

GET /createProject


Name Type Description
token string The token to associate with the project
project string The project identifier
photos integer Number of photos
parts integer Number of parts
filesize integer File size


Status Description
200 Success. Returns JSON object
400 Bad Request. Various error conditions

Success Response Object

  "status": "created",
  "ulink": [array of upload links],
  "credit": remaining credit

5. Reset Project

Reset an existing project.

GET /resetProject


Name Type Description
token string The token associated with the project
project string The project identifier


Status Description
200 Success. Returns an empty object {}
400 Bad Request. Missing fields or doesn't exist

6. Start Project

Start an existing project.

GET /startProject


Name Type Description
token string The token associated with the project
project string The project identifier


Status Description
200 Success. Returns JSON object
400 Bad Request. Various error conditions

Success Response Object

  "status": "initialized"

Token and credit system


Credit will be used to monitor the overall usage of processing ressources. The credit value is bound to each token.


  • Private Token This token is bound to an individual and certain details (forename and surname and email address) in order to allow additional features, like email alerts and individual support. At the current stage, the image sets submitted will be used for internal research and testing. No images/3d models will be published.


  • 2022-05-11 changed Readme.md, removed beta firmware (as this has been implemented in the main branch See Github-OpenScan2 for more details)
  • 2021-12-20 added Texture to the 3d model + improved firmware
  • 2021-10-11 added Beta Firmware for OpenScanPi
  • 2021-10-08 added a Windows Uploader GUI in /uploader