
Not writing to log file

thevermi opened this issue · 4 comments

If I do not set the log file in the hostapd-wpe.conf, no username/challenge/response is displayed on the screen. I just get the standard hostapd info, like authenticated, deauthed, EAP type, etc.

If I set the log file, I get this cryptic error: "WPE: Cannot file log file"

Running as root, there should be no issues....

run touch output.log and set the path in the config file.

I've tried running touch and chmod on the log file. Nothing seems to work. Just get "WPE: Cannot file log file" spit to stdout about 60 times.

I had the same issue set log file with full, relative and no path, file existed, had permissions etc. and got the same error message repeatedly.

I "solved" it by commenting out the log settings in the .conf file and running touch hostapd-wpe.log.

It would be nice to support custom logging options correctly tho...

You can also turn on -dd - detailed logging and > all your requests. You'll have to grep but at least you won't lose any possible loot.