
Hostapd-WPE does not capture EAP-GTC

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Edit file "hostapd-wpe.eap_user" (You can replace PEAP with FAST)

  • PEAP [ver=1]
    "t" GTC "password" [2]

./hostapd-wpe hostapd-wpe.conf -ddddd

-snip- EAP-GTC: Response password: -snip-

By configuring the eap)user file, you can request from Apple and Android devices a GTC clear text password - which is shown in the debug console, but is currently not logged.

Thank you very much.

0ca commented

Thanks @W00t3k, that works!

I'm putting again the correct config here in a code block, because the * was interpreted as github markdown. Replace last two lines of hostapd-wpe.eap_user with:

*	PEAP [ver=1]
"t"	GTC "password" [2]

How can we make sure this is documented, and the README is updated?