
Add title of session to information section

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Screenshot 2023-03-27 at 16 18 21

As an outsider this section can be confusing, almost looks as if it is a sign up page to be a speaker instead of informing details about the session. An idea is to reiterate the name of the session just above the names of the speakers (Eg Language Content Negotiation) and also to remove the Topics section as it appears to be redundant. I'd also suggest just below this section where the abstract for the session is to make the type larger and more accessible as it gets lost on the page , perhaps even placing the writing on the right hand side of this information box.

Also forgot to say the date at the top should definitely include the calendar date not just the day of the week (Eg Monday 27th March )This also eliminates the need to say 'When (day)' , it can just say 'When'

@PhiaCruz the date on the Session page is not tracked on # #2282