OpenShot Video Editor is an award-winning free and open-source video editor for Linux, Mac, and Windows, and is dedicated to delivering high quality video editing and animation solutions to the world.
- annvnzndrvn
- ArkadyutiRay
- AyProductionsAyProductions Team
- badwtgqq1111Beijing
- BaerMartin
- BigBlackBeard93
- CaptainGazpacho
- CompSciDude1MO, US of A
- CreeperKongSevensix Studio
- DemonRem
- Dinesh0NNo(Temporary )
- eemailme
- emrldman
- Ermintrudethecow
- gelatinbomb
- gjinxers
- grzego2
- huymd
- izanagiproxy
- JacksonRG
- ludovicleroyeurope
- nanohtpc
- NoahnutTaiwan
- openpianist
- PatrickR2020
- rnale
- sc0nwayHouston, TX, USA
- sefulreteleiRomania
- wrookie11