FirmAgeMom missing values and weird code
chenandrewy opened this issue · 2 comments
chenandrewy commented
There's weird stuff in
There seem to be no observations of FirmAgeMom in 2021 July.
Seems to be due to this snippet
replace FirmAgeMom = . if abs(prc) < 5 | tempage < 12
egen temp = fastxtile(tempage), by(time_avail_m) n(5) // Find bottom age quintile
replace FirmAgeMom =. if temp > 1 & temp !=.
is the &
supposed to be |
? That looks weird.
Anyway, the bottom quintile of age is very small in 2021, at around 11-12:
and that seems to be interacting with the filter above and causing the gap.
chenandrewy commented