
Rename the "easy" label

Closed this issue · 5 comments

While contributing to open source projects, I have often noticed that what seems as "easy" to the developer working on the project is probably not that easy to me as a newcomer. And when I start working on an "easy" issue and face trouble, I feel demotivated that I am not qualified to solve even a simple issue.

Not sure if everyone feels like this or it's just me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I propose that we rename the "easy" label to something like "beginner".

Also, question: aren't "easy" and "first-timers-only" the same thing? If not, shouldn't they be? Shouldn't we be "saving" easy fixes for newcomers?

@nikhita I also think so but easy issues are easy and these issues are solvable by beginner but not by new commer/first timer. Also, new commer/first timer can pick easy issues. So can we can solve this issue by writing documentation just like this. Not this extensive guide but some sort of this so that developer can understand which labels are ment for what and how they can contribute to this repo.
@nikhita What are your opinion on this?
Btw I am up for that extensive guide for new commer guide 😄

So can we can solve this issue by writing documentation just like this.

Sounds awesome! We definitely need an effort in that direction. 👍

I also think so but easy issues are easy and these issues are solvable by beginner but not by new commer/first timer. Also, new commer/first timer can pick easy issues.

Ok, I see how easy and first-timers-only can be mutually exclusive. However, I still feel that we should rename easy to beginner.

easy issues are easy

This is easy (I made a pun, omg!) for us to say because we are familiar with the codebase but to someone new jumping in, it might not always be the case.

Coool! We can have something like Difficulty: Easy, Difficulty: Medium, Difficulty: Hard; Type: Bug, Type: Enhancement, Type: Maintenance, Type: Question, Type: Testing with first-timers-only for the bot. 🎉