
Analog (ADC pins) configuration in Web-Config

arntsonl opened this issue · 2 comments

Add the Analog ADC pins to the web-config add-ons page.

This will allow adding the analog support without having to recompile the firmware.

Hi! Wondering if this feature is nearing release? If not - what's the best way to read in analog input for a analog trigger? Found mentions of support on pin 26/7 (ADC0/1) but can't see how to enable it yet or map it to a specific input (like LT or RT)

EDIT: I can see the code checking if both ADX & Y are not disconnected and only returning true if both are presenting values - in my case I'm looking for just a single trigger, not an analog stick so I think I'll need to compile the code myself and patch out the second check before it'll activate that feature?

This was added as part of #129