
Winery client is deprecated?

nyuuyn opened this issue · 3 comments

I tried to create a copy of a service template with the client but get exceptions which after a closer look are issues with HTTP content types between the client and the api.
Here is an example which just doesn't work:

	 * @param args
	 * @throws Exception 
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		IWineryRepositoryClient client = createClient();

		QNameWithName uptimeTemplateId = findUPTIMETrainTemplate(client);

		QNameWithName copyId = copyServiceTemplate(client, uptimeTemplateId, new QName("", "testBla"));

	private static IWineryRepositoryClient createClient() {
		IWineryRepositoryClient client = WineryRepositoryClientFactory.getWineryRepositoryClient();
		return client;

	private static QNameWithName findUPTIMETrainTemplate(IWineryRepositoryClient client) {		
		return findServiceTemplateId(client, "UPTIME_Train_Template");
	private static QNameWithName findServiceTemplateId(IWineryRepositoryClient client, String localName) {
		Collection<QNameWithName> ids = client.getListOfAllInstances(ServiceTemplateId.class);
		for (QNameWithName id : ids) {
			if (id.qname.getLocalPart().contains(localName)) {
				return id;
		return null;

	private static QNameWithName copyServiceTemplate(IWineryRepositoryClient client,
			QNameWithName serviceTemplateToCopy, QName nameOfCopy) throws Exception {
		client.createComponent(nameOfCopy, ServiceTemplateId.class);
		TTopologyTemplate topoloy = client.getTopologyTemplate(serviceTemplateToCopy.qname);
		client.setTopologyTemplate(nameOfCopy, topoloy);
		return findServiceTemplateId(client, nameOfCopy.getLocalPart());

So is there a plan to update the client?

We do not use it in winery. Does someone else currently use the winery client? @zimmerml @saatkamp ?

I don't use it.

That doesn't seem to be an issue anymore.