
Diagnostics mode / Support mode

Closed this issue · 2 comments

2 Scenarios I see big use in:

  1. End user (guide them through with yes/no)
  • Let the end user see if their stuff works and what does not (+ support mail thing?)
  • test servo movement (just do a slow move on every servo)
  • see if mic work on eg2
  • detect glow tip (ask: did you pay for it?)
  • ...
  1. Support people
  • test if gear is fixed correctly
  • get an overview on what you have in your hands
  • forget gear on disconnect

We get literally no support questions apart from either

  • im trying to pair my gear (but my bluetooth is off, fixed)
  • my tail wags one way (theyve broken a servo)

This is a nice idea, but its not something we need to do.

And lastly, eargear mics dont work as well we we want. We dont need a support mode to know this unfortunately. Being fixed in the new pcb spin up. This is not something we can emphasise now though. Lets not spend time on this. We are fortunate that almost all issues can be fixed without the app (ie system bluetooth/location services) or busted servo.

Just chatted with @ToeiRei about this - its important that we dont present technical details to customers at any point of their experience, and so I need to put a veto on this, if Ive understood the proposal correctly.

If its to create some kind of diagnostic suite behind a dev wall, then ok, although Im not sure how that would help, though Im open to discussing it.