
Current Main Version runs into an error on windows

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Copyed the current main version and run the install.cmd to install all needed moduls.

After running OTVision, the window of OTVision is shotly visible and then closes.

This error occures:

Installing the dev moduls didnt fix this issue.

On version 1.5 it starts, on version 1.6 and 1.7 not.

Thanks for reporting. We'll look into it.

I just recently came across Open Traffic Cam and really like your project!
Now I tried getting started with it and downloaded the latest version yesterday. It seems that I ran into the same error as described above. Since this issue has been open for a while now, I was wondering if there is a feasible workaround to still work with the OTVision and the GUI?

For now it only works with commends in the terminal/cmd. Look at the opentrafficcam website, there are informations how to work with it at current time.

A GUI was there some months ago, but at the current state it OTV has no GUI.