
Fetching raw source (with Unicode) is broken

trumpeta opened this issue · 3 comments

What happened?

Hi, the raw source fetched using @require clause seems cut for some libraries.
I've checked the source code view at site's repository where the sources are still complete.
Not happening with all sources, just some.

What did you expect to happen?

Raw source should match source code in HTML view.

What the problem might be?

Site not sending whole source.

Thanks for making an issue here.

Site not sending whole source.

As I mentioned on OUJS... this is proably a terser error. If you are unhappy with an over-exaggerated work-around try using just a single comment // at the tail end of the library which works for me on one of the affected libraries instead of the sensationalized:

appending about 100 to 200 comment chars

... which that many may be unnecessary.

If you find a minification error on this experimental feature of OUJS and no work-around please use the key from here.

As further notice if the code shows up in the Source Code tab on OUJS then it's exactly what is served (unminified of course) via the direct .js and .user.js routes. i.e. they use the same exact routine to retrieve.

Only reason to keep this issue open is for potential migration from terser@v4.x to terser@v5.x migration... which is a known but not issued at this time.... albeit additionally tracked at #432 .

Okay so another user mentioned this and I guessed at the unminified target correctly. Btw I'm suprised the "work-around" works albeit it hasn't been tested completely as it really shouldn't work at all... meh... browsers.

I believe that I've found the Unicode issue. Please let me know if it's still doing it. If you do encounter it I expect a direct link to the source on OUJS so I can cross-check with it instead of guessing please so I don't have to close this as incomplete issue response.

Going to close this if no further recent issues regarding this are present. terser tracking will go back to being only #432 for the time being. Actual issue related to #200

The issue is gone, no significant chars are cut off on affected sources.