Certificate verification failure when play live with vlc
meiyanz opened this issue · 5 comments
Issue Description:
Certificate verification failure when play live with vlc
Error log:
gnutls error: Certificate verification failure: The certificate is NOT trusted. The certificate issuer is unknown. The certificate chain uses not yet valid certificate. The name in the certificate does not match the expected.
main error: TLS session handshake error
main error: connection error: No error
access error: HTTP connection failure
Reproduce Rate: 100%.
The commit information: commit dfaa5e0
$ git clone https://github.com/OpenVisualCloud/CDN-Transcode-Sample.git
$ cd CDN-Transcode-Sample
$ git reset --hard dfaa5e0
$ sudo -E ./script/install_dependency.sh
$ sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
$ printf "[Service]\nEnvironment="HTTPS_PROXY=$https_proxy" "NO_PROXY=$no_proxy"\n" | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/proxy.conf
$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl restart docker
$ cd deployment
$ make build_kubernetes
$ cmake ../ -DNVODS=0 -DNLIVES=1
$ make
$ cd ../
$ mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/
$ printf "[Service]\nEnvironment="HTTPS_PROXY=$https_proxy" "NO_PROXY=$no_proxy"\n" | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/proxy.conf
$ ./script/Kubernetes_setup_master.sh
$ kubectl -n kube-system describe secret $(kubectl -n kube-system get secret | grep admin-user | awk '{print $1}') | grep token: | awk '{print $2}'
$make volume
$make start_kubernetes
open vlc and play live :
This is expected. The sample generates a self-signed certificate. It's not trusted anywhere.
Please see if there is any option in vlc to disable certificate verification.
I doesn't find any option to disable this certificate verification in VLC.
would you mind to ask which certificate verification it needed and how it is done.
How it was done before?
There is no good way to make a self-signed certificate trusted on a different server.
The closest I can think of is to follow this process: https://github.com/OpenVisualCloud/Dockerfiles/wiki/BKM:-Setup-Private-Docker-Registry-with-Self-Signed-Certificates
The other alternative is to expose http instead for testing purpose only.
there is a popup window to ask for your certificate when play live normally;
but there is no popup window when I play the live.
This is strange. There is no change to how the container works.
@TangZhiZhen, could you check if anything is changed?