
Document process to create basin geojson file for web application

smalers opened this issue · 1 comments

The original file contains the shapefile for basin boundaries and is used in the GIS process. The web application was previously using a filename SNODAS_geometry.geojson. To avoid confusion: 1) when converting SNODAS_BasinBoundaries.shp to geojson, keep the same name, so it will be SNODAS_BasinBoundaries.geojson (this is what will be provided to Kory). 2) document the manual steps to create this file so that it is clear how that is done. Kory puts this in a json folder under the web application.

  1. Sent the updated GeoJSON file (named SNODAS_BasinBoundaries.geojson) via email ' Re: SNODAS Updated Version' on 3/23/17.

  2. Documented the manual steps taken to create this file. The step-by-step tutorial is in the SNODAS Tools Developer Documentation under Software Design - Key Processing Steps.