
Invalid xbox-smartglass-core version

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I recently installed this integration using hacs. I also installed the xbox-smartglass-core-python for the rest server.

On restart I have recieved the following error:
Invalid xbox-smartglass-core version: 1.2.1. Required: 1.1.2

The integration version installed is: 24e5308
The smartglass server: 1.2.1
My Home Assistant version: 0.105.5 (Docker on Raspberry Pi 3B)

I can see the xbox but am unable to do any form of control.

Please advise

I to receive the same error

2020-04-13 02:29:07 ERROR (SyncWorker_8) [custom_components.xboxone.media_player] Invalid xbox-smartglass-core version: 1.2.2. Required: 1.1.2

Happy to test anything.

Could you please test the custom_component in develop branch - replace existing with the ones from the repo.

Perfect, that has fixed it! appreciate the hard work!

Thanks for your report, gonna merge to master